
Linkedin Services

Lead Generation | Contact building

How Our Linkedin Services Work

We expand your business contacts

Describe to us the individuals you would like us to target and their location. You can have as many as 30,000 contacts!

We start generating leads

We will send up to 150 new connection requests per day along with a intro message. The message could be a description of your services or anything else you would prefer.

Watch your connections grow

Your new contacts will start responding to the messages we have sent but to those who have not replied we will send a follow-up message. All customised by you.

Sit back & start closing those leads!

You're all set. Sit back, start responding and start converting these daily leads into your clients.

Schedule a free consultation call with us below!

Pricing Plans


per month
 Campaign to your specified target audience (profession, location)
Up to 3,000 connection requests are sent per month
Account Manager
Monthly Report
Cancel Anytime
7 Day Free Trial


per month
 Campaign to your specified target audience (industry, company, company size, profession, location)
Up to 3,000 connection requests are sent per month
Follow-up message to non-responders
LinkedIn profile audit
Account Manager
Monthly Report
Cancel Anytime
7 Day Free Trial


per month

Campaign to your specified target audience (industry, company, company size, profession, location)

 LinkedIn Daily Content Creation

Up to 3,000 connection requests are sent per month
Follow-up message to non-responders
Linkedin profile audit
Organic reach improvment of LinkedIn posts (45 Likes per post)
Account Manager
Monthly Report
Cancel Anytime

7 Day Free Trial

Any questions?

Schedule a free call with one of our account managers! We are happy to discuss other related services that are not listed here.
How the service works?
Not sure what your message and follow-up should be?
Any other questions you may have?
Schedule Call


  • How do you know who to invite to my contacts?

    You tell us! We can target by location (city, country), profession and industry.

  • Are there any requirements to use your service?

    You must have a Linkedin premium account, preferably Sales. There's already plenty of value in Sales, so this should be a no brainer. LinkedIn offers a 30 day free trial of any premium subscription so be sure to use their offer.

  • Can I still use my account?

    Yes. Your user experience will not change, the only thing that will is you will start seeing new daily contacts come in and responses to the InMail messages sent out.

  • Do I have to sign any long term contract?

    No, you can cancel anytime by going to your Moonclerk account provided at checkout and sent via email. You can also email us at - you're unlikely to cancel as 95% of our Linkedin clients stay with us for at least one month.

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